According to Allen McReynolds, retired County Agent and currently a Winston County Self Help Cooperative Outreach Specialist, “Correct weed identification, herbicide selection, and spray equipment calibration are important steps to kill and control weeds in pastures and hayfields effectively. Weeds rob grasses of fertilizer, moisture, sunlight, and other important elements. Thereby reducing the quality and volume of grasses.” On May 22, 2021, approximately 25 local and area beef cattle farmers gathered at Allen McReynold’s farm in McCool, MS, to experience an herbicide demonstration. The Winston County Self Help Cooperative coordinated the event. The demonstration was conducted by Jim McAdory, Winston County Agent, and Wayne Ormesby, Natural Resources Conservation Services (what’s his title?), (NRCS). As a duo working in concert, McAdory and Ormesby did the following activities:
• Identified some common weeds found locally.
• Discussed herbicides to kill and control those common weeds.
• Calibrated a 110-gallon spray tank.
The event enhanced participants’ knowledge of the need to control weeds.
Therefore, if you are a beef cattle farmer needing assistance with a good weed control management system, you should contact your local county extension office. Indeed, the county agent can assist you with calibrating your spray equipment, among other activities.
By Allen McReyonlds
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