Fountain Herbicide-Weed Control Demonstration

Wednesday 21 July 2021

The Winston County Self Help Cooperative conducted a Herbicide-Weed Control Demonstration at Herman Fountain Family Farm in Lawrence, MS on Thursday, June 4, 2021. Two graduate students from Mississippi State delivered oral presentations on how to control unwanted weeds. The students presented and demonstrated a modified backpack sprayer which allows an individual to conduct select spraying of unwanted weeds. Dr. John Byrd, MSU Extension discussed methods of eliminating competing weeds in pastures and hay fields. This information will help beef cattlemen to produce higher quality animals. Additionally, Dr. Byrd demonstrated how you should calibrate your sprayer. Delaney Johnson, State Agronomist, NRCS, elaborated on the importance of healthy soils as it relates to producing high quality grasses. Joe Addy, Sup. District Conservationist, Scott County Office of the Natural Resources Conservation Service, highlighted various programs to assist grazers. Joe advised participants to make an appointment with their local NRCS office to discuss future farm plans. The Winston County Self Help Cooperative extends sincere appreciation to the Fountain Family for hosting an afternoon of learning to help build sustainability in rural communities.

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