Rosie Harris’ 2024 Sweet Potatoes Crop

Friday 18 October 2024

By Allen McReynolds  

On Tuesday, October 15, 2024, Rosie Harris, a member of the Winston County Self Help Cooperative, harvested sweet potatoes. Rosie, a lifelong agrarian, farms in the Pleasant Grove Community, east of Louisville, MS. She produced a healthy and successful crop of Florida Sweets, which are great for making sweet potato pies, baked sweet potatoes, candy yams, sweet potato cookies, and other treats. Rosie plans to use these sweet potatoes throughout the year, incorporating them into her Thanksgiving and Christmas meals, as well as sharing them with family, friends, and church members.

Rosie received the sweet potato plants from John Watkins, a vegetable farmer from Newton, MS, who grows various vegetables including watermelons, tomatoes, okra, corn, Irish potatoes, and peas. 

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